Friday, 26 November 2021

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Yuk baca quran vs book of mormon. The book of Mormon is one of several books considered as holy by Mormons who refer to themselves as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Both Christians and Muslims believe in bodily resurrection of all people and that ChristiansMuslims will be entered to eternal life in heaven and non-Christiansnon-Muslims to hell respectively. The Old Testament section of the Bible was written over many centuries stretching from 1446 BC probably earlier to 400 BCThe New Testament books were written from around AD 48 to 100. on thomas westbrook album. the world s 18 most widely read books visual ly books to read books reading. on free bible echarts best bible study tips maps and charts Lihat juga contoh kaligrafi: gambarkaligrafi serta pahami materi quran vs book of mormon Four times the creation is said to have occurred by one God and in two other places the Book of.

Islam and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints both teach that God revealed their sacred texts the Quran and the Book of Mormon to correct human-made errors in other religious practices. Isa 5378 Acts 83235.

Terest The contradictions between the Book of Mormon and the Bible constitute a most serious obstacle to accepting the Book of Mormon as Latter-day scripture supplemental to the Bible 1.
Joseph Smith himself at one time state that the Book of Mormon was the most correct of any book on earth Modern Microfilm Company of Salt Lake City has recently published a work documenting 3913 changes in the Book of Mormon since its first printing. Terest

Kaligrafi: Terest Quran Vs Book Of Mormon The OT contains specific prophecies that claim to be fulfilled in the NT eg Isa 5334 Matt 817.
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This should seem familiar not just to Latter-day Saints who have the Book of Mormon Abraham Moses and DC 7 but also to scholars who are familiar with the New Testament-era popularity of the Book of Enoch despite its first century BC origins.

Terest However the Mormon version is in no way acceptable to Islam.

Importantly according to the Koran the Bible is the inspired. Isa 5312 Luke 2237. The Book of Mormon can actually be sourced back to the King James Bible while the Quran comes from a. Mormons believe some editions of the Bible include translation errors while Muslims believe Jews and Christians misinterpreted some of Gods true. Until Caliph Umar there were different versions of. Muslims believe that the Koran Quran was gradually revealed from Allah to Muhammad verbally through the angel Jibrl Gabriel over a period of approximately twenty-three years beginning in 610 AD when he was forty and concluding in 632 AD the year of his death.

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Thursday, 25 November 2021

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